DevSecOps Master Class With Realtime Projects

Learn DevSecOps by doing! Get hands-on experience with real projects using Agile Scrum. No shortcuts, just the skills you need to succeed in the DevSecOps

This course is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of DevSecOps, which combines the principles of DevOps and security to create a more secure and efficient software development process. The course covers the fundamentals of cloud computing, virtualization, containerization, and infrastructure as code, along with popular tools and technologies such as Git, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform, and more. Additionally, the course covers DevOps pipeline automation, continuous security strategies, disaster recovery, and other essential topics.

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Who is this Course for?

This course is suitable for anyone beginner to expert-level engineer graduates, IT professionals, DevOps engineers, security professionals, system administrators, and business analysts.

It covers the integration of security practices into the DevOps process, including key concepts and principles, latest tools and technologies, security considerations, and best practices for ensuring system and application security and compliance.

Participants will also learn about the business value of this integration and its impact on the organization.

The course provides an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in this area and develop career prospects in a rapidly evolving field.

What's makes us unique

Live Classroom & Online Classes

Live online classes enabling learners to attend classes from anywhere. Interact with the instructor and peers in real-time for effective learning experience

Practice Sessions

Daily practice sessions to reinforce learning. Practice sessions in real-world scenarios to prepare for the job

Industry Experienced Instructors

Access to industry experts for mentorship and guidance. Regular sessions for doubt resolution and personalised feedback

Q&A and Doubt Clearance

Weekly Q&A sessions for clarification of concepts and doubts. Special sessions for interview preparation and mock interviews

Hands-On Projects

Opportunities to work on real-world projects and gain practical experience. Projects designed to showcase skills to potential employers and build a portfolio

Mock Interviews

Mock interviews with industry professionals to provide valuable feedback and build confidence. Opportunities to practice and improve interview skills in a safe and supportive environment

Lifetime material and recordings access

Learn at your own pace with lifetime access to course materials and video recordings. The Right materials will be available whenever you require at any point in future

End-to-End Support

End-to-end support to learners with guidance and assistance with projects. Focus on learning and practicing without worrying about any technical difficulties


Teja N
DevSecOps & Cloud Engineer
Sasi Priyatham
Software Engineer

TarunTeja Cheede
Software Engineer

This is Tarunteja Cheede. I recently completed my Azure DevOps online course in IT as Code. The course instructor, Murali Sir, was a highly knowledgeable and experienced professional in the field of DevOps. 

His expertise was evident throughout the course, as he effectively conveyed complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. He was also extremely responsive to questions and provided timely support, creating a supportive learning environment.

I wholeheartedly recommend this outstanding DevOps online course by IT as Code to anyone seeking to upskill in this field. It offers a well-structured curriculum, hands-on learning opportunities, expert instructors, and a supportive community. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your DevOps journey, this course will undoubtedly propel your career forward. Good luck!"

SRE Engineer (Site Reliability Engineer)

I am delighted to share the wonderful news that I have secured a position as a Junior Site Reliability Engineer in a well-established company. 
The knowledge and skills I acquired during your training were instrumental in making me stand out during the hiring process. Thank you for being an exceptional trainer and mentor. 
Your dedication to your craft and your commitment to your students' success are truly commendable. Wishing you continued success in your training endeavors.

Kubernetes Engineer

Instructor Murali sir focus on teaching the basics in a best possible manner. Each topic will be explained with theory and practical. Course includes the key devops tool set that are required to start with. Recommended for people who are looking forward to learn Devops skills.

Siva Adabala
DevOps Engineer

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all that you have taught me in DevOps. Your lessons and guidance have had a profound impact on my career, and I wanted to thank you for everything. I vividly remember my first class with you, feeling intimidated and unsure about my future in this field. But with your patient and expert teaching, I was able to grasp the concepts and develop the skills necessary to excel in DevOps. Your hands-on approach to learning and real-world examples made the material come alive, and I was able to fully understand the practical applications of what I was learning.

Thanks to your teachings, I was able to secure a high-paying job in the DevOps field. I am constantly applying the principles and techniques that I learned from you, and I am continually impressed by how relevant and useful they are in my day-to-day work.

I am grateful for your commitment to your students and your passion for DevOps. You truly are a remarkable teacher, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you. I will always remember your lessons and the positive impact that you have had on my life. Thank you for everything!

Course Content

1.DevOps Overview
  • DevOps Overview - Material
  • DevOps Overview - Video1
  • DevOps Overview - Video2
  • DevOps Overview - Video3
  • DevOps Overview - Video4
2. Cloud Overview
  • Cloud Overview - Material
  • Cloud Overview - Video1
  • Cloud Overview - Video2
3. Linux basic Commands
  • Linux basic Commands - Material
  • Linux basic Commands - Video
4.Azure Cloud
  • Azure Cloud Overview Material
  • Azure Cloud Overview Video
  • Azure High availability & Webapp - Material
  • Azure High availability & Webapp- Video
  • Azure Storage account & Azure CLI -Video
  • Azure CLI - Material
  • Azure CLI - Video
  • Terraform Overview - Material
  • Terraform Overview - Video1
  • Terraform Installation - Material
  • Terraform Installation - Video2
  • Terraform Script Creation - Material
  • Terraform Script Creation - Video3
  • Terraform Configuration Language - Video4
  • Terraform Variable - Material
  • Terraform Variable - Video5
  • Terraform AWS Cloud Resources - Materail
  • Terraform AWS Cloud Resources - Video6
  • Terraform AWS EC2 & VPC Resource - Video7
  • Terraform Server Creation - Video8
  • Terraform Three Tier Servers - Web,App&DB - Video9
  • Terraform - Remote Backend - Material
  • Terraform - Remote Backend - Video10
  • Terraform DataSource - Material
  • Terraform DataSource & Outputs- Video11
  • Terraform Output-Tags-Locals-Depends_on-Provisioners- Material
  • Terraform Output-Tags-Locals - Video12
  • Terraform Depends_On - Provisioner - Video13
  • Terraform null Resources with Provisioner- Material
  • Terraform null Resources with Provisioner- Video14
  • Terraform Terraform Count- Material
  • Terraform Count- Video15
  • Terraform Assessments - Secnario1
  • Terraform Assessments - scenario 2
6.Git - Version Control
  • Git Overview - Material
  • Git Overview - Video 1
  • Git Installation & Configuration - Material
  • Git Installation & Configuration - Video2
  • Git Stages - Material
  • Git Ignore & Diff - Material
  • Git Stages & Gitignore, Diff - Video3
  • Git Branching Strategy - Material
  • Git Branching Strategy - Video4
  • Git Multi Branches - Material
  • Git Multi Branches - Video5
  • Git - Inside .git database - Video6
  • Git - Git Merge -CherryPick - Git Rebase - Material
  • Git - Git Merge -CherryPick - Git Rebase - Video7
  • Git - Working with Remote Repo - Material
  • Git - Working with Remote Repo - Video8
  • Git flow - Local repo and remote Repo -VSCode- Video9
  • Git Pull request & Branch Policies - Video 10
  • Git Revert & Reset - Material
  • Git Merge conflicts - Reset and revert - Video 11
  • Git - Assignment
7.Build Overview - DotNet & Maven
  • Maven Build Overview - Material
  • DotNet Build Overview - Material
  • Build Overview - Video 1
  • Maven Build Overview - Video 2
  • DotNet Build Overview - Video 3
8.Azure DevOps
  • Azure DevOps - Introduction - Material
  • Azure DevOps - Introduction - Video 1
  • CI CD Architecture Considerations -Part1 - Material
  • CI CD Architecture Considerations -Part1 - Video2
  • CI CD Architecture Considerations -Part2 - Material
  • CI CD Architecture Considerations -Azure DevOps Release Pipeline - Video3
  • Azure DevOps CI CD Architecture - Video4
  • Azure DevOps CI CD Architecture - Video5
  • Azure DevOps Blue green Deployment - Material
  • Azure DevOps Blue green Deployment - Video6
  • Azure DevOps Architecture - Build Types - Material
  • Azure DevOps Architecture - Build Types - Video7
  • Azure DevOps Daily & Scheduled builds - Video8
  • Azure DevOps Agents _ Deployment Group - Material
  • Azure DevOps Agents - Video9
  • Azure DevOps Deployment Groups -Video10
  • Azure Repo & Branch Policies - Material
  • Azure Repo & Branch Policies - Video11
  • Azure Devops - Code Analysis with SonarQube - Material
  • Azure Devops - Code Analysis with SonarQube - Video12
  • Azure DevOps Pipelines structure with YAML Code 1 - Material
  • Azure DevOps Pipelines structure with YAML Code 2 - Material
  • Azure DevOps Pipelines structure with YAML Code - Video13
  • Azure DevOps Package Management with azure artifacts - Material
  • Azure DevOps Package Management with azure artifacts - Video14
  • Testing application with Azure DevOps - Material
  • Testing application with Azure DevOps - Video15
  • Assignment - Azure DevOps
  • Static Code Analysis - SonarQube - Material
  • Static Code Analysis - SonarQube - Video16
Docker - Containerization
  • Before Containers - Material
  • Containers Overview - Material
  • Containers Overview - Video1
  • Docker Server Installation - Material
  • Docker Server Installation - Video2
  • Docker Objects - Material
  • Docker Objects - Video3
  • Cgroups & namespaces- Video4
  • Container Standards - Material
  • Namespaces, Network & Container Standards - Video5
  • Docker Container Networking - Material
  • Docker Container Networking - Video6
  • Docker file & Images - Material
  • Docker file & Images - Video7
  • Docker CMD & Entrypoint - Material
  • Docker CMD & Entrypoint - Video8
  • Containerize SpringPetClinic Application - Video9
  • Docker Env -Arg & Copy - Video10
  • Docker Volumes - Materail
  • Docker Volumes - Video11
  • Docker Multistage Builds - Material
  • Docker Multistage Builds - Video12
  • Docker Compose - Material
  • Docker Compose & Azure Container Registry - Video13
  • Wordpress Application with Docker Compose - Video14
Kubernetes - Container Orchestration
  • Kubernetes Introduction -Material
  • Monolithic & Microservices - Material
  • Containers - Material
  • Physical-Vs-VM-Vs-Containers - Material
  • Kubernetes Overview - Video1
  • Container Orchestration Engine - Material
  • Kubernetes Architecture - Material
  • Container Orchestration Engine & Kubernetes Architecture - Video2
  • Kubernetes Installation methods - Material
  • Docker Depreciate & setup kubernetes with Kubeadm -Material
  • Docker Depreciate & setup kubernetes with Kubeadm - Video3
  • Kubeadm Setup - Video4
  • Setup Azure Kubernetes Cluster Setup - Video5
  • Manage Kubernetes with Kubectl Commands -Material
  • Manage Kubernetes with Kubectl Commands - Video6
  • Kubernetes PODS & Multi Container- Material
  • Kubernetes PODS & Multi Container- Video7
  • ConfigMap - Material
  • ConfigMap - Video8
  • Secrets - Material
  • Secrets - Video9
  • Replication Controller -Material
  • Replica Set - Material
  • Replication Controller & Replica Set - Video10
  • Kubernetes Deployment -Material
  • Kubernetes Deployment -Video11
  • Kubernetes ConfigMap with Environment Variable - Video12
  • Kubernetes Daemonset
  • Kubernetes Jobs
  • Kubernetes Daemonset & Jobs- Video13
  • Kubernetes Services -Material
  • Kubernetes Services -NodePort -Material
  • Kubernetes Services -NodePort -Video14
  • Kubernetes Services -LoadBalancer-Material
  • Kubernetes Services -ClusterIP-Material
  • Kubernetes Services -LoadBalancer&ClusterIP-Video15
  • GuestBookApp &Volumes - Video16
  • Kubernetes Ingress - Material
  • Kubernetes Ingress - Video17
  • Kubernetes storage -Volumes- Material
  • Kubernetes storage -Hostpath- Material
  • Kubernetes Storage - Hostpath & Statefulset - Video18
  • Kubernetes storage -Static Volumes- Material
  • Kubernetes storage -Static Volumes- Video19
  • Kubernetes storage -Dynamic Volumes- Material
  • Kubernetes Deployment Strategies- Material
  • Dynamic Volume & Deployment Strategies - Video20
  • Kubernetes Horizontal POD Autoscaling HPA - Material
  • Kubernetes Horizontal POD Autoscaling HPA - Video21
  • Kubernetes Helm Charts - Material
  • Kubernetes Helm Charts1 - Video22
  • Kubernetes Helm Charts2 - Video23
Ansible - Application Configuration Management
  • Ansible Introduction-Material
  • Ansible Introduction - Video1
  • Ansible Installation - Material
  • Ansible Installation - Video2
  • Ansible Ad-hoc commands - Material
  • Ansible Inventory - Material
  • Ansible Ad-hoc commands & Inventory - Video3
  • Ansible Configuration & Playbook
  • Ansible Configuration File - Video4
  • YAML Script - Material
  • YAML & Ansible PlayBook - Video5
  • Setup additional Ansible Managed nodes - Material
  • Setup additional Ansible Managed nodes - Video6
  • Modules - Playbooks - Material
  • Modules - Playbooks - Video7
  • Playbooks with Multi tasks - Material
  • Playbooks with Multi tasks - Video8
  • Notify and Handlers --Material
  • Gatherfacts-Material
  • Conditions-Packages using conditions1-Material
  • Conditions-Packages using conditions2-Material
  • Notify and Handlers - Gatherfacts-Conditions-Packages using conditions-Video9
  • Variables - Material
  • Variables - Video10
  • Tomcat Setup - Material
  • Tomcat Setup - Video11
  • Ansible Tags Error handling - Material
  • Ansible Tags Error handling - Video12
  • Ansible Roles - Material
  • Ansible Roles - Video13
  • Ansible Datadog Roles -Video14
  • Jenkins Introduction - Material
  • Jenkins Introduction - Video1
  • Jenkins Installation - Material
  • Jenkins Installation - Video2
  • Jenkins Configuration Settings - Material
  • Jenkins Maven Build - Video3
  • Setup Tomcat Server - Material
  • CI CD with Jenkins and Tomcat Server - Material
  • CI CD with Jenkins and Tomcat Server - Video4
  • Setup Jenkins Agents/Slaves on Jenkins - Master -Material
  • Setup Jenkins Agents/Slaves on Jenkins - Master - Video5
  • Pipeline as Code Jenkins - Material
  • Pipeline as Code Jenkins - Video6
  • Datadog - Material
  • Setup Datadog - Video1
  • Monitor docker containers with Datadog - Video2
  • Monitor Kubernetes containers with Datadog - Video3
  • Monitor Azure DevOps environment with Datadog - Video4
Jira - Planning & Tracking
  • Jira Material
  • Configure Jira & Setup New Project - Video
Integrate Jira with Datadog & Jira with Azure DevOps
  • Integrate Jira with Datadog & Jira with Azure DevOps - Video
GitHub Actions
  • GitHub Actions - Material
  • GitHub Actions Overview - Video1
  • GitHub Actions with Kubernetes - Video2

Frequently asked questions

If the student misses out of attending any session, he or she can re-attend the session by:

1. Attending the same session in another batch if student is attending classroom based session.
2. For online sessions, recording of the classes can be accessed by the student at all time to help revisit and listen the sessions missed out.

All our trainer are real-time industry experts with minimum of 19+ years of experience. Complete profiles of our trainers are available for review at our center and students are free to come interact with them and know more about them, before enrolling for programs

All training programs conducted by ITASCODE are available in 3 modes, instructor based classroom programs, instructor based live online training and self-paced video based training. Students can choose

All discounts are subject to case-to-case basis. Please feel free to meet our administration staff to have a better discussion on the same. We do offer a variety of discounts and concession to our students coming in from different backgrounds.
For all corporate training requirements please feel free to get in touch with our administration staff managing corporate marketing and interaction. We have of the finest programs and offer to corporate with best-in-class programs.

You can get in touch with ITAScode by sending an email to [email protected] to their support team or by contact phone +91 971 3535 444 form on their website.